Thursday, April 26, 2012


Today marks three days past my due date. 

As incredibly anxious as we are to meet our little girl, I have felt so much peace as we wait for her. I feel so grateful to have an amazing doula and doctor who are so supportive of letting Elsie take her sweet time, and not to rush her. What a gift... especially in today's culture where we want everything on 'our time' and women are scheduling their inductions at 38 weeks. 

I'll be completely honest though, every few hours my emotions change on the subject, and my patience is like a rollercoaster. Some parts of the day I feel so calm and peaceful, and then other parts I want her here already! I've known that I've had to keep myself very busy though, to stay distracted, soak up this precious time, and rest up before going into labor. 

It's so funny how people look at me when they find out I'm "past due" if my water's going to break right that second, or the baby's going to fall out. Some of the best advice our birthing coach gave me was, if you go past your due date (which due dates are so silly anyways) to continue on with ordinary life. Even in early labor, to continue on with ordinary life. So, each day I plan something fun that I get to look forward to, and it has been such a fun week of spontaneous adventures, time with people I love, and getting to do things I won't be able to for a little while. 

Today I had a doctor's appointment and Elsie is looking great and healthy. I never get tired of hearing her heartbeat on the doppler and seeing her cute little body on the ultrasound. Just to keep you all in the loop, my doctor will let me go 12 days post date, before talking induction. So we have until next Sat, May 5th for Elsie to make her debut. And trust me.... I'm trying everything. People always run down the list of things to try, and I laugh and smile....because I've been doing it ALL. 

After my doctor's appointment I had made a special playlist for the car, grabbed a giant (decaf) latte, and headed down in the beautiful rain to visit a dear friend who is also pregnant, due in two weeks with a little boy. We're convinced Elsie and Arlo are going to get married. We putzed around Carpenteria, found some cute little shops and had some fun prego girl time. 

Now I'm going to work on some cute projects around the house, and enjoy the evening with my hot husband!


                                                      Tracy and her "Arlo" bump

                                                                         Elsie & Arlo

1 comment:

  1. awww congrats :)
    amazing post!
    best wishes!!
