Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Letter to my daughter...

To my darling daughter...
Any day now you will come into the world, and change our lives. But to be honest, ever since the day we found out you existed, you have changed our lives. I’ll never forget the feeling of pride and awe when I saw those two pink lines, and an hour later the doctor confirmed it. You were there. I watered the plants outside, waiting for your Daddy to get home...and as I did, it was as if I had this incredible secret that I got to treasure inside of me...and the world didn’t even know yet. I’ll never forget the giddy excitement and unbelievable peace I felt when I told your dad that night that you existed. We celebrated with Sushi. I didn’t know yet that pregnant mamas weren’t supposed to eat sushi. There was a lot I had to learn. 
And so much I have learned, even in these last nine months. You being in my womb has taught me a love like I’ve never known. A nurturing, selfless, deep deep love. And I can’t wait to show it to you in person. It’s also made me understand, just a little bit more, God’s tenacious love for us. I can’t wait to teach you about that love, too. 
I hope that you grow up loving adventure. That you treasure each person in front of you, and love people humbly and fearlessly. I hope that you find the joy in snail hunting, and laugh with your whole belly. And that you let me snuggle you, even when you’re a teenager. I pray that I can show you beauty in the world, even in the midst of the hard stuff, and am a safe place for you. 
Your Daddy and I are completely smitten with you already, and cannot wait to meet you. But I savor every last day of being pregnant with you...you miracle inside of me, you. I relish feeling every hiccup, twirl, and movement. And I will enjoy every moment of being this close. I love you to the moon and back, peanut. 
Your Mommy

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