Friday, July 27, 2012

twenty three

It was my birthday yesterday. I'm twenty three.

It's so funny to hear people's reactions to them finding out I'm twenty three and married.....and (gasp!) a mom. I'm realizing how rare it is to be such a young mom here in Santa Barbara, where most people put such an emphasis on the Get your degree-travel the world- and then get established in your career- route. Where you make sure you get years of "You" time and do all the things that you want to do before you get 'tied' down. And then maybe fifteen years later you might want to start having kids. I just smile a proud smile when people react so surprised.

In my twenty three years so far, I have gotten to travel the world: getting to live in Australia, Indonesia, and Africa as well as visit some of the most magical places and meet the most beautiful people. I've gotten to hold Ugandan babies on my hip, drink tea in castles in Ireland, hike through Costa Rican jungle, and ride elephants in Thailand. I was also able to study Early Child Development and Intercultural studies, and have my dream job of teaching little ones all day. I fell in love with the love of my life, and even got to marry him. Falling more madly in love every day and living a life of spontaneity.

So when people give me the "Mom at twenty three-pity smile", I just laugh and think how being a mom is the biggest adventure I've ever been on. I've gotten to do a whole lot in my life, but having my daughter is the thing I'm most proud of. I look back on my last twenty three years with gratefulness and excitement. 

I woke up yesterday to Birthday love all throughout the house, and got to spend the morning cuddling Elsie. My mom came down in the afternoon to watch Elsie, and Jeremy and I got the afternoon just the two of us! We savored sushi and dreamed about all the things we want to do someday. Treated ourselves to frozen yogurt, perfect on a warm sunny afternoon. And walked hand in hand down State Street. I had collected a bunch of clothes from my closet to trade at Crossroads (one of my favorite stores) and traded them in for some fun new pieces.

We came home and took a family nap together, one of my absolute favorite things. Sun drenching in through our windows, warm summer air breezing through, Elsie's little breaths in and out, and my husband's arm wrapped around me. Absolute bliss doing life with my two favorite people. After that, we drove up to the Mesa and took a walk through the cute neighborhoods, daydreaming about how we would build a house for our family. Then we galavanted through the aisles of Lazy Acres, loading up on a delicious organic dinner and met the most sweet eccentric lady. We came home, cuddled up together and talked about one of my presents from Jeremy... he's going to make me raised garden boxes! He sure knows the way to my heart.

I sit back thinking on my life, and wonder at how amazing this last year has been, and look with excitement at the year ahead. And what a beautiful life it is! 

1 comment:

  1. Probably the most beautiful thing I've read in....a really really long time. Thank you for sharing. I never ventured out but i can clearly see your radiant smile as you ride an elephant in Thailand. I'm just glad our paths have crossed. I'm glad we can share the adventure of motherhood together. (Well sorta) It's fun and daunting and i imagine my last days surrounded by my loves and they being my greatest legacy. You can't get better than that. With love and adoration- Meghann.
