Friday, July 13, 2012

bump bump

When I was pregnant, my dear friend Chelsea Steller did my maternity shoot. It was so special because not only have we been friends since we were little girls, but she also captured our wedding and engagement shoot, and has been so supportive and surrounded us in love in some of our most exciting life moments. It was suiting then, that her and I would galavant around Cold Springs and secret fields and throw together random fabrics to make drapey dresses with. And to celebrate Elsie inside of me. I am late in putting these pictures up, but I think they're even more special to me now... now knowing who my daughter is, and remembering how I wondered what she'd be like and look like when she was still in my womb in these pictures. And how weird it is to look at her now, and remember she was curled up and fit inside of me at one point! Geesh!

 Photos by Chelsea Steller ::

1 comment:

  1. I remember when some of these were posted on Facebook, and thinking that they are the most beautiful maternity photos ever. I love them so much, and you look so gorgeous!
