And yet, the dichotomy of where we live, here in Santa Barbara, seems to be a constant game of catch up, where affluence seeps around every corner. Where people work hard, pay a lot to live in a little house, have no retirement, no plans of buying a home, and just try to 'make it' here.
We're in this weird limbo of forsaking the 'American Dream' (which has never really appealed to us anyway) and being willing to follow God, wherever that may be... very possibly East Africa. And yet, also this realization that as we grow our family there is something comforting in the thought of moving to the mountains of Colorado, building a cabin, and watching our kids play in the creek while we hang laundry on the line. With a home to call ours, a little fund that we can grow old with as we enjoy life, and not have to work into our old age. How is it that my heart heart can long for both?
We have absolutely no idea what God has next for our little family. And it's this scary, exhilarating, amazingly peaceful thing as Jeremy and I press into the Lord more than ever. Especially in the beautiful unknown. We've been up late talking, daydreaming, and journalling about ideas whirling through our heads and vision in our hearts. We're in a place of complete openness, in a newer sense than ever before. Something is brewing, and we're just waiting on the Lord to see what it is. But until we know, the things happening in the simple days right now are being soaked up and cherished by us.
Exodus 14:21
'The Lord caused the sea to go back... all that night,'
'In this verse there is a comforting message showing how God works in the dark. The real work of God for the children of Isreal, was not when they awakened and found that they could get over the Red Sea; but it was 'All that night".' - Streams in the Desert
Jeremy and I take so much comfort in knowing that in this major unknown for us, God is still moving. In the night, in the mystery, He is doing things and we wait in expectation.
And in the waiting, we are ready for more simplicity. We have been prepared for this massive life change if we move to Africa. But, I think we forget the small changes towards simple living, and ultimately more fulfilled living, that we can choose right now.
We live in a tiny little home, and we kind of love it that way. It makes us go outside often, and half of our living is done outside of the house. Out of necessity (otherwise we'd go stir crazy in our little space) but, also because this is how we like it. We would rather have the tiniest kitchen and BBQ at the beach or set up a picnic after a hike. We love that Elsie is covered in sand, or dirt, or even poison oak most days, and that she completely comes alive in nature. Jeremy rides his bike to work, and we walk downtown for as many errands as we can. We've been trying to be more intentional about filling our time creatively once it gets dark. That's when it's easy for us to just zone out on the couch. But, we've been trying to work on projects in the garage, write more, read for absolute fun, watch documentaries, and something we've loved doing for the last year or so is our 'date night-in' once a week.
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