Monday, November 28, 2011

Drum roll please...

Last Tuesday we got to see our little munchkin on 3D, and found out that 'it' is a GIRL! We are so excited, and I've already started decorating and shopping for darling little girl things! Our deal was if it was a boy, we'd celebrate with hot dogs and going to the batting cages, and if it was a girl, we'd get dessert and go shopping. And boy was it fun! It's so awesome to connect with her as a little girl, and call her by name. I've LOVED feeling her move so much. About three weeks ago I felt some faint movement like a little butterfly in my abdomen, but for the last four days it's been distinct little kicks, and it's so cute! You can't feel her movement from the outside yet, but Jeremy got to see her move across my belly the other day, and he loved it! We're so grateful for this gift, and feel so blessed by the Lord. We keep falling deeper and deeper in love with her, and wonder what she's going to be like. I feel so much purpose, being with child. Growing life inside of you is one of the most beautiful, amazing gifts...and I am so grateful for it.

Here's our video announcement of her gender::

And here's a picture of my 18 week belly (now 19 weeks) at our Doctor's appointment ::

The cutest little dress we bought her the day we found out, and Jeremy's interpretation of being a protective Daddy. 

And our little girl's name!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


During my pregnancy so far, I have found little motivation to clean, and thank God for such an amazing husband who blesses me so much and has picked up my slack! He's such a gift. Well, I remembered the other day, as I looked at the plethora of dishes staring back at me that I so desperately did NOT want to clean... that every girl just needs a few little things to make cleaning so much better...

:: Cute aprons

:: Your favorite Soap (Mrs. Meyer's 'Lavender' is my absolute favorite)

:: And some music to get your hands a movin'!

Now if I could just remember these in the future...