Saturday, January 28, 2012

What an amazing life this is. I seriously can't get over God's goodness over us, and feel constantly in awe of what a gracious Father He is. Something my friend Jade did while we were living in Uganda together, that I picked up and love doing is writing 'Love Lists". It keeps our hearts turned towards gratefulness, and our eyes on His beauty and blessings.

Today's Love List ::

: Waking up next to my husband, and feeling my daughter moving inside my womb.

: Making pancakes with lots of fresh berries (what I have been craving like mad the last few weeks) for breakfast.

: My gorgeous Mom and sister coming down for the day, and having a delicious lunch with them and dear friends!

: Celebrating Selah Bentley's first birthday today. She is a miracle, and God's love and redemption are evident through that beautiful little girl.

: Walking on Butterfly Beach with my hot husband, and watching the sun set. In awe at God's creativity and how generous that He would let us live in such a gorgeous place.

: Dreaming with Jeremy about the future, and praying about the places God might have us go.

: That our little bubs is safe and healthy. And right on track with her growing.

: That I have such incredible friends surrounding me here.

: And that at the end of this amazing weekend, I get to go back to a job I absolutely love, work with people I adore, and with kids that hold my heart.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for love lists! I promise to write you soon. Can't wait for your baby shower so we can lavish you and Elsie with love!
