I've been secretly loving these moments, though, because I have the whole house to myself (MYSELF...such a strange feeling) while Jeremy and Elsie are ever so darling, tucked away in our bed. I'm sitting here completely in awe that this is my life. I was looking at Elsie tonight while she slept and LOVE that I get to be her mama. Everyday I'm learning something new. Learning how to be the best mom I can be and offer my daughter everything. In addition to learning to be the best wife I can be, and offering Jeremy my whole heart.
We've been very deliberate lately about setting aside for just the two of us. Elsie sleeps in bed with us right now, which has been one of the funnest things ever (not to mention the ten hours of sleep her and I get a night!). But it also means that we don't just put her down in her crib and get the rest of the night to ourselves. But the last couple weeks, I've been nursing her to sleep in our bed, and sneaking downstairs, where Jeremy and I get dates in the living room together. It usually involves Tiramisu, snuggling on the couch, the Olympics, and long discussions. It's a simple life we lead these days, but I'm drinking in every minute of it.
I can't believe it's been over three months since our darling girl was born. I remember everyone saying cliches like "Soak it up, it goes so quickly", and I would smile and nod... but My Lands....it seriously is flashing before my eyes. I am loving being a family of three. But I told Jeremy the other day how I can't wait to give her siblings. (Don't worry, we're not planning on having another baby for a while!). I absolutely loved being pregnant and can't wait to be again, but we're actually praying about adopting our next little Babe. More on that later.
It's been so humbling learning the ups and downs of parenthood. And still being 'newlyweds', we're also learning so much about loving each other. But, I can honestly say, everyday I keep falling more and more in love with those two. They make this life so beautiful. I guess it's time for me to crawl back in bed with them. Wouldn't trade it for the world!